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Posted on: 20/04/2017

Year 9 Holocaust Memorial Day

Year 9 students enjoyed their annual Holocaust memorial day on Thursday 20th April. The day started off with a film to give everyone the chance to gain some background information about the Holocaust. This was followed by a talk with Leslie Kleinman.

Leslie was a survivor of the Holocaust and was able to tell us about his life and experiences. Leslie had actually survived the Auschwitz concentration camp and is one of only a few left who survived the terrible events. He explained how he was treated and his feelings and emotions about the events, as well as explaining why he had decided to come out  and talk to students about his experiences. One key message everyone took away from this was never to hate anyone as hate leads to problems. 

After the talk everyone participated in some Holocaust related tasks in Humanities. These tasks ranged from writing Holocaust related poetry and songs to creating a leaflet on the various things learnt on the day. The students produced some really good work during these sessions and will not forget the events of the Holocaust.

Information about Leslie's life can be found on the Holocaust Education Trust website.

Miss Collier, History Teacher, said:  

“It was a privilege for us to welcome Leslie Kleinman to our school and his testimony will remain a powerful reminder of the horrors so many experienced for our students. Many of the students were very moved by his story and we hope this has encouraged them to learn from the lessons of the Holocaust, making a positive difference in their own lives.”