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Home Learning
Home Learning Reports
We will be providing parents with a report on their child’s home learning during the period of partial school closure from 20th March 2020. This will contain information on their engagement and the quality of the work completed.
- Engagement relates to the quantity of work completed and for Year 12 students their involvement in online lessons.
- The quality of work relates to the standard and consistency of work produced and the level of effort the student has displayed.
Engagement with Home Learning will be categorised as either:
- Substantial Evidence: Awarded where all or nearly all of the work set has been received by the teacher. The student displays a high degree of involvement with work set. For Year 12 students nearly all online lessons have been attended.
- Some Evidence: Awarded where most of the work has been received by the teacher. For Year 12 students a high proportion of online lessons have been attended.
- Limited Evidence: Awarded where there has been little work received by the teacher. For Year 12 students, there has been a relatively low level of interaction with online lessons.
- No Evidence: Awarded where there has been no evidence received by the teacher to indicate that the student has engaged with the work set. For Year 12 students, online lessons have not been attended.
Quality of completed work will be categorised as either:
- Excellent: Work has consistently been of high quality and shows that the student is regularly working to the very best of their ability. The work completed demonstrates an excellent level of effort.
- Good: The work completed is of a high standard and is reflective of the student’s ability. The overall level of effort is good and meets our expectations.
- Variable: Overall, the work that submitted has been inconsistent and is generally below the standard expected from the student. The work completed does not reflect the quality or consistency of effort expected at this time.
- No Evidence: The student hasn’t submitted any work that can be assessed
The overview of Home Learning, shared via the SIMS Parent App, supplements the ongoing regular communication with Form Tutors and class teachers.
For support in accessing the SIMS Parent App contact mmccorry@chelmer.essex.sch.uk or the School’s main office.