Curriculum Overview

Intent Design


At Chelmer we strongly believe in giving students the opportunity to continually improve, this infiltrates our curriculum, our pastoral area and every aspect of day-to-day school life. We want to empower our students to effectively contribute to society while they are a student and when they leave Chelmer Valley High School. We achieve this aim through a range of strategies, some embedded and others are new ventures, but always with the drive of making our students life-long learners, that empowered to become future citizens contributing to the local, national and global community.

Alongside a coherent and balanced curriculum, which places value on all subjects at its heart, we seek to inspire and encourage a love of learning, resilience and understanding.

At Key Stage 3 (KS3) we focus on transferrable skills, independent learning and higher-order thinking skills. In Year 9 we offer our student’s clear, differentiated progression routes into Key Stage 4 (KS4).

Through excellent advice and guidance at Post 16, we support all our students in making the right choices as they move from KS4 to KS5 whether at CVHS, College or into Apprenticeships.  Ever mindful of the changes in education and the workplace, we strive to ensure that our curriculum and its delivery remains relevant and tailored to the individual student.  In so doing we have developed a pathways approach to subjects available for study at Key Stage 5 (KS5).

Our aim is to enable all of our students to leave the school as well as rounded, responsible citizens, ready to play an active and productive role in society.

The menu choices to the left will take you to more detailed information regarding the current curriculum offered at Chelmer Valley.  Please also study the subject information provided under the 'Programmes of Study'.

We teach students in ability groups in as many subjects as possible from Years 7 to 11. As a growth mindset school, we aim to offer a range of opportunities to extend children of all ability levels.  At least 25 hours a week are spent on teaching, which is in line with the Department for Education’s recommendations. There are many opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities in order to enhance learning where our programme encourages students to pursue an active lifestyle, to kind and compassionate to those less fortunate, to be a positive change in the world and to be prepared for the next stages of their life.


In Years 7, 8 and 9 the list of subjects currently studied includes:

Curriculum subjects:

Mathematics, English, Science, Computer Studies, a Modern Foreign Language, Art, Music, Technology, Physical Education, Geography and History, Religious Studies, Drama, Citizenship/Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE).

Through Citizenship and PSHE, students are given guidance on careers, finance, relationships, healthy eating, first aid, politics and current affairs.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is used across the curriculum, and students have access to computers in many areas of the school.  Emphasis is placed upon the acquisition and assessment of ICT capability within discrete Computer Studies lessons.  

In Year 8 many students also take up a second Modern Foreign Language. 

Assessment of students’ progress is on-going throughout Key Stage 3. In some areas of the curriculum, some students will complete a shortened Key Stage 3 and begin their Key Stage 4 studies before the end of Year 9.

Tutors support students' learning in Key Stage 3 through a structured tutor programme and by reviewing their achievements and helping them with their target setting.  Students are given comprehensive guidance in order to ensure that they follow a broad and balanced curriculum during Key Stage 4.  This guidance starts in the Spring Term of Year 9 and involves parents at every stage before the final decisions about curriculum choices are made.


Our Key Stage 4 curriculum currently offers a range of GCSE and Vocational courses, which lead naturally into the courses offered post-16.  Most students are entered for public examinations unless there are exceptional circumstances.  A small number of students may follow an alternative education programme, more appropriate to their needs, which does not necessarily lead to GCSE. All students have access to a Pathway leading to the English Baccalaureate.

In Years 10 and 11 the following subjects must be studied:

Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Science (minimum equivalent of 2 GCSE’s) and Core Physical Education. In addition, currently, they must select one from a Modern Foreign Language, Geography or History.

Other subjects can be studied from each of these areas:

Triple Science

Humanities (History, Geography, Philosophy & Ethics)

Modern Foreign Languages (French, German)

Creative (Art, Music, Drama,)

Physical Education

Technology (Product Design, Graphics, Engineering, Food Technology)

Vocational courses can be studied and currently we offer: Child Development, Leisure & Tourism, Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE), Applied Business Studies and Computer Studies (ICT, Computer Science)

To enrich the curriculum, at an appropriate time students have access to Careers, Citizenship, Health Education, Finance, and Enterprise/Work-related learning activities.  Additional opportunities are provided across the curriculum for students to apply and improve their computer skills. There is also a full enrichment programme throughout Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.

Individual review sessions and target setting take place throughout Key Stage 4.  Progress is monitored through the completion of subject reviews and the preparation of estimated grades at regular intervals.


We provide all post-16 students with comprehensive support in order to access Higher or Further Education, a Vocational Career, or Apprenticeships.  Currently, students are offered combinations of the following courses in our Sixth Form. 

GCE A Level Courses:

English Literature, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Physics, Art and Design, Design & Technology – Product Design, Drama and Theatre Studies, Economics, Extended Project Qualification, Financial Studies, French, Geography, German, History, Media Studies, Music, Music Technology, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Sport and Physical Education.

OCR Technical:

Information Communication Technology

BTEC Level 3:

Performing Arts, Business and Physical Education.


All students are encouraged to enter for the Extended Project Qualification and there is a suite of Enrichment activities available to all students.

Students have regular time allocated with their tutor for assessing and reviewing progress and target setting.  Subject teachers regularly prepare estimated grades for every student and these enable students, parents and tutors to monitor and measure progress.



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@ChelmerValleyHS - 25/07/2024
First day of trekking! Well done team 🥾
@ChelmerValleyHS - 24/07/2024
An evening game of Mafia hosted by our very own Mr Read 🕵🏻‍♂️
@ChelmerValleyHS - 24/07/2024
The group have spent the day exploring the city of Hanoi and finding the famous train track street. Amazing guidance from George and Lauren who were the group leaders and well done to Luke and Emily for keeping track on the team budget! Fantastic! 👏🏻
@ChelmerValleyHS - 23/07/2024
The adventure really begins! The school page will not be updated daily over the summer break so follow for all updates. Have a great time, team!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 23/07/2024
After what felt like a very long day… We have made it to Vietnam!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 22/07/2024
Our World Challenge group set off for Vietnam this morning. Have a fantastic trip! Follow for updates.
@ChelmerValleyHS - 19/07/2024
Amazing! Well done boys. Can't wait to see you all play together again next year 🏏
@ChelmerValleyHS - 18/07/2024
Beautiful work 😍
@ChelmerValleyHS - 18/07/2024
We already can't wait for next year's show...a huge well done to all involved and thank you to the staff for all their hard work, too!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 17/07/2024
Absolute stars! What an amazing evening. Time for night two! Tickets via Wisepay.
@ChelmerValleyHS - 16/07/2024
Tonight's the night!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 14/07/2024
Wow what a race and a finish! 3rd place in Senior Boys 800m at English Schools Championships- what an achievement. A perfect ending to your English Schools journey. Well done- you deserve it. We are all so proud of you Will🥉🎽👏
@ChelmerValleyHS - 13/07/2024
Day 2 is off to a good start after a very rainy night 🌧️ They have their longest paddle today but the River is flowing strongly so it shouldn’t be too tricky 🛶
@ChelmerValleyHS - 12/07/2024
A few snaps from Day 1
@ChelmerValleyHS - 12/07/2024
Setting up their camp for tonight, day one has been a successful day, all are in good spirits, despite the lack of sunshine! 🛶⛺️
@ChelmerValleyHS - 12/07/2024
Silver Qualifying DofE expedition underway, the students looking very happy on their first day 🛶 ⛺️
@ChelmerValleyHS - 12/07/2024
A massive achievement! Well done, boys. You played great cricket and represented the school fantastically both on and off the field.
@ChelmerValleyHS - 12/07/2024
The show is getting ever your seats via wisepay.
@ChelmerValleyHS - 12/07/2024
Good luck to both today - superstars!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 11/07/2024
Our incredible cast had their tech rehearsal tonight, the show is so close! Book your tickets now before it's too late!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 11/07/2024
A goodbye and good luck display for our Year 11's at their prom last night. Thank you CVHS science for the insight into the science behind the fireworks!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 10/07/2024
This is brilliant!
@ChelmerValleyHS - 10/07/2024
Congratulations to VK 10H for winning Art Work of the Week with her fantastic linoprint- we loved the bold line and contrast!👏👏
@ChelmerValleyHS - 8/07/2024
Just 2 weeks to go until our free, clubs kick off across & , where children can enjoy lots of exciting activities!🤸‍♀️ Spaces are filling fast & eligible families can book with their emailed HolidayActivities code.Discover more:
@ChelmerValleyHS - 4/07/2024
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