Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. (World Health Organisation)

Wellbeing is at the forefront of the School’s priorities. We believe in the importance of relationships, ensuring children feel valued, safe and secure and that they are provided with a sense of connection and a belonging to the whole school community. Promoting good mental health and wellbeing is central to this. Students follow a bespoke tutor programme that encompasses the 5 Ways to Wellbeing:

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Click here for more information about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing

All students in school carry an expectation card and on the back of that card there are websites where they can access support for their mental health and wellbeing.

Cruse Bereavement CareBeat Eating DisordersPapyrus

KoothStem 4Mental Health Foundation

ChildlineOpen RoadStamp Out Suicide

ShoutYoung MindsSamaritans


Other useful resources:

See below for some of the activities that have taken place in Tutor time.

Week 1 - w/b 11th September 2023

Week 2 - w/b 18th September 2023

Week 3 - w/b 25th September2023

Week 4 - w/b 2nd October 2023

Week 5 - w/b 9th October 2023

Week 6 - w/b 16th October 2023

Week 7 - w/b 30th October 2023

Week 8 - w/b 6th November 2023

Week 9 - w/b 13th November 2023

Week 10 - w/b 20th November 2023

Week 11 - w/b 27th November 2023

Week 12 - w/b 4th December 2023

Week 13 - w/b 11th December 2022

Week 14 -w/b 12th December 2022

Week 15 - w/b 8th January 2024

Week 16 - w/b 15th January 2024

Week 17 - w/b 22nd January 2024

Week 18 - w/b 29th January 2024

Week 19 - w/b 5th February 2024

Week 20 - w/b 12th February 2024

Week 21 - w/b 26th February 2024

Week 22 - w/b 4th March 2024

Week 23 - w/b 11th March 2024

Week 24 - w/b 18th March 2024

Week 26 - w/b 15th April 2024

Week 27 - w/b 22nd April 2024

Week 28 - w/b 29th April 2024

Week 29 - w/b 8th May 2023

Week 30 - w/b 15th May 2023

Week 31 - w/b 22nd May 2023

Week 32 - w/b 5th June 2023

Week 33 - w/b 12th June 2023

Week 34 - w/b 17th June 2024

Week 35 - w/b 24th June 2024

Week 36 - w/b 5th July 2023

Week 37 - w/b 8th July 2024