Applying to our Sixth Form

Dsc 3742


Why Choose Chelmer Valley Sixth Form?

  1. Challenge – we challenge our students to be the best and do their best. Students are expected to work hard and will be rewarded for their hard work with good grades that provide the best possible foundation for further education / workplace.
  2. Vibrant – the Sixth Form is a vibrant one. Students are involved in lots of extra-curricular activities (football/ paired reading/ performing arts). Students are provided with a number of opportunities to extend their learning outside of the classroom – theatre visits, field trips, foreign visits, conferences.
  3. Happy – a successful student is one that is happy in their surroundings. Friendly faces, supportive staff and a purpose built building.
  4. Support – we are able to provide a bespoke support service for our students. We look after their emotional wellbeing. Students who may be struggling are offered advice and guidance. A CVHS Sixth Former is one in 200 as opposed to 1 in 1000s (at college). We know most of you already (or will get to know you better). Careers guidance and applying for university are all given high priority.

There is a document available on the Sixth Form Life page to help support your son/daughter whilst they are at Sixth Form.

Prospective Students 2025 Entry

The Sixth Form Open Evening is due to take place on Thursday 10th October 5.30pm - 7.30pm. It allows you the opportunity to meet both staff and students and see what our Sixth Form has to offer at Key Stage Five. Students who attend Chelmer Valley and any other establishment are all welcome. Headteacher's and Head of Sixth Form's presentation at 5.45pm. No booking is required.

The closing date for applications will be Friday 20th December at 1.30pm. Applications after this time are still welcome from both our current Year 11 students and from external applicants. However, decisions regarding option blocks will be taken from applications received by the closing date. Careers guidance discussions take place between December and March.

If you would like to be considered for entry into Chelmer Valley Sixth Form you will need to complete the  online application form. The link is available in the menu at the top of the page. The prospectus is at the bottom of this page.

If you require any further information please contact Mrs Harris in the Sixth Form Office on (01245) 512351 or email