
Dsc 3925

The now fully reformed suite of A-Level subjects will involve students following a two year linear programme with  A-Level marks/grades determined at the end of the second year of study. The new AS Level examinations, which are not offered by Chelmer Valley Sixth Form, will not count towards the final marks at A-Level and therefore as a school we have decided to not enter students for these examinations in Year 12 as a general rule.

Assessment is now increasingly more exam orientated and although there may be some element of coursework in some subjects, these tend to be for the more vocational subjects.

Within each programme of study you are able to choose an individual combination of courses (subject to numbers) that meets your needs, interests and aspirations and offers the best opportunities for success and progression.

Final choices are not made until after GCSE results are released, although provisional choices will be considered through guidance discussions with members of the Chelmer Valley High School Senior Team.

It is important that you have a good idea of your final choices by the end of the discussion process, as under subscribed subjects will not run.

The courses on offer for 2024 entry to the Sixth Form are as follows:

Option 1and option 2

MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR OPTION ONE:  56 points from students best 8 GCSEs.

MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR OPTION TWO: 38 points from 8 best GCSEs, including a grade 4 in English and Maths.

The GCSE points score will be calculated by using the best eight GCSE grades to form a total score. The numerical grade received for each exam taken will be used (i.e. A grade 9 = 9 points)

Level 3 A-Levels and Extended National Certificates


English Lang

Other Requirements




GCSE Combined Science grade 6-6 or above or GCSE Biology grade 6 or above. GCSE Maths grade 6 or above is required for both options.








For A-Level — A previous qualification in Business is not a requirement however if it is studied, then a Grade 6 will be needed.

For BTEC Level 3 National Certificate - Minimum Entry Requirement. A previous qualification in Business is not a requirement. You should enjoy independent study & coursework whilst having an interest in the business world.




GCSE Combined Science grade 6-6 or above or GCSE Chemistry grade 6. Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics is required for both options.




You do not need to have studied Economics or Business Studies previously.

English Literature



GCSE English Literature and English Language at grade 5 or above.




GCSE Geography at grade 6 or above, plus grade 5 in Maths. In the case of students who have not studied GCSE Geography you must achieve at least  6-6 in Combined Science and Grade 6 from English and Maths.




GCSE History at grade 6 or above, or in the case of students who have not studied GCSE  History you must achieve at least a grade 6 in English Language




A grade 7 or above in Mathematics is preferable, although students with a grade 6 will be considered on an individual basis

Further Mathematics



GCSE Mathematics at grade 8 or 9. Students must also study A Level Mathematics.

Media Studies



A grade 5 or above in English Language or Literature.

Level 3 Extended National Certificate in Performing Arts                


Chelmer Valley Sixth Form minimum entry requirement. You do not need to have completed Drama GCSE to take this course.




GCSE Combined Science grade 7-7 or above or GCSE Physics grade 7 is required Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics and grade 5 in GCSE English Language is required for both options.




GCSE English Language at a grade 6, Mathematics and Combined Science at grade 5-5 or above or 5-5-5 in separate Science GCSE. It would also be recommended that students take Core Mathematics




GCSE English Language and English Literature at grade 5 or above.

Level 3 Extended National Certificate in Sport



GCSE PE at grade 5 or above if you are studying GCSE PE. If you are not studying GCSE PE you will be considered on your GCSE Combined Science grades which must be 5:5 or above or if you are studying triple science a grade 5 in Biology. Additional factors also include; your interest, attitude and attainment in PE throughout your time at school.


Please note all courses running are provisional and decisions made on whether the course runs will be based on numbers and staffing.