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Careers Provision Information
Chelmer Valley High School has high-quality careers advice and guidance, to support our cohort. This is developed throughout a student’s time at the school and is always supportive of their aspirations, strengths and skills. The support is aimed at destinations associated with both academic and vocational pathways and provides opportunities for students to discover the full range of options available to them. The programme is designed to meet the Gatsby benchmarks and conforms to statutory requirements.
The careers provision is supported through the Personal Development lessons, tutor time and a range of extra-curricular activities, including: being a founding school for the Chelmsford Skills Festival, an in-school careers fair, various educational visits which link into careers, Post 16 Next Steps workshops, Destinations Day, and independent careers advice provided by Mrs Pembroke of Directions.
Year Group |
Autumn term |
Spring term |
Summer term |
Year 7 |
Unifrog registration 2 form time sessions focussed on careers |
2 hours Unifrog homework. Careers materials available at Consultation Evening NHS Day
PD Careers lessons (4 hours)
Year 8 |
2 hours Unifrog homework 2 form time
2 hours Unifrog homework NHS Day |
Year 8 Chelmsford Skills festival (awaiting more information) PD Careers lessons (5 hours)
Year 9 |
2 hours Unifrog homework 2 form time sessions focussed on careers
Year 9 Options process (Careers Leader at Options Evening). SEND IAG meetings 2 hours Unifrog homework. Discussion with Senior Leadership regarding options and careers. NHS Day
In-school careers fair PD careers lessons (5 hours) |
Year 10 |
2 hours Unifrog homework 2 form time sessions focussed on careers Careers materials available at Consultation Evening Writtle College Assembly
National Apprenticeship week. AIM Apprenticeshop Assembly |
In-school careers fair 1 hour Careers workshop on next steps Prefect Assembly – promotion of leadership |
Year 11 |
CoPE work experience. Meeting with Senior Leadership to talk about next steps and careers. 6th Form Open Evening, Careers Stand World of Work Workshop |
A-Level Options process Destinations Day for those not staying on at Sixth Form. Sixth Form Taster Day
Mock Interview Day Careers guidance interviews Oxbridge visit for potential candidates CV and Cover Letter writing workshop - PD |
Year 12 |
University open days IGD skills workshop Weekly careers tasks within tutorial periods Russell Group and Competitive Course evening is offered for students to gain early information on the application process for university Driving Day |
Apprenticeship and university progression evening Visit National Apprenticeship Show Weekly careers tasks within tutorial periods Visit UCAS exhibition UEA personal statement workshop for early applicants NHS Day Q&A Sessions
Work experience Careers interviews In-school careers fair Interviews with employers CV application workshops Weekly careers tasks within tutorial periods Oxbridge visit for potential applicants
Year 13 |
UCAS support clinics each morning in the application window |
Apprenticeship application sign up session Assessment centre support |
N/A |