Physical Education

Head of Area Mr S Wareham
Head of Girls PE Mrs R Dineen
PE Teachers Mr J Moore, Mr M Nicholls, Mr J O'Hara, Mrs A Robinson, Mrs B Trippick
Support Staff Mrs C Smith

IMG 5038

The Physical Education department at Chelmer Valley is extremely lucky to have a dedicated and determined team who give up a great deal of time in the pursuit of excellence, both with curriculum time and outside of normal school hours.

The department prides itself on engaging students in physical activity within curriculum time and during extra-curricular activities. We are committed to developing the individual skills of every student within school and are fortunate to be able to offer two hours of quality PE to all students within Years 7 to 11. We also offer examination courses at GCSE and BTEC In Sport, as well as offering a vocational pathway. The department provides an extensive extra-curricular timetable offering a range of clubs before school, at lunch times and after school. We believe in competitive sport and compete in District, County and National competitions in a range of activity areas.

Key Stage Three



At Key stage three our aims are to enable every student the opportunity to experience a range of sporting activities. Students work as individuals developing their skills and techniques and in groups which enhance their teamwork and tactical appreciation.

All students at Key Stage 3 receive two hours of Physical Education every week within the school curriculum.

Year 7

Boys - rugby, football, fitness, badminton, OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities), cricket, rounders and athletics.

Girls - netball, football, fitness, OAA, badminton, rounders and athletics.

Year 8

Boys - rugby, football, netball, fitness, badminton, cricket, tennis, trampolining and athletics.

Key Stage Four



At Key Stage 4 all students will participate in two hours of core Physical Education per week. Students are given greater responsibility by choosing which activity area to follow as well as taking on roles such as coach and referee within lessons. Although an element of choice is given, all students will fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum by completing two units out of games activities, fitness activities and gymnastic/dance activities. All students will also complete an athletics unit of work in Year 10.

Physical Education - GCSE is a seperate examined course where 5 extra hours (2 practical and 3 theory lessons) are taught.

Examination board: Edexcel

The GCSE Physical Education course is made up of 30% practical activities and 70% written paper. For the practical element, students must perform in three activities chosen from: 

  • Team Activities
  • Individual Activities

Within the written paper, questions will be asked on the following two areas:

  • Fitness and Body Systems  -  Anatomy and Physiology; Movement Analysis; Physical Training
  • Health and Performance      - Health fitness and well being; Sport psychology; Socio-cultural influences

Students will be expected to achieve 65% in all end of unit tests and homework will be completed for both theory and practical lessons.

To access the Edexcel GCSE specification click here: SPECIFICATION

For revision assistance you can also use the following websites:

GCSE Bitesize

S-Cool Exam Questions

Key Stage Five

Dsc 3834


The PE department offer BTEC level 3 national certificate in Sport at KS5 and pride ourselves on the quality of teaching, as well as developing students’ ability to learn independently.

Many of our students go on to study courses such as Exercise and Sports Sciences, Physiotherapy or indeed teaching qualifications at university, although the subject can be used in conjunction with many other Further Education courses.

Why choose BTEC Sport????

  • Enhances their knowledge and understanding of the factors that affect performance and participation in P.E.
  • BTECs embody a fundamentally learner centred approach to the curriculum.
  • Holistic development of the practical interpersonal and thinking skills required to be able to succeed in employment and higher education.





The Physical Education department at Chelmer Valley pride ourselves on our high standards with regards to kit. Students who fail to bring the correct kit to lessons on three occasions will be given a department detention after school, with further sanctions should it continue to be an issue. Should students be unable to participate in practical lessons for any reason they are still required to bring their kit, along with a note from their parent/guardian.

The expectation is that all students wear the correct PE kit.




  • Navy polo shirt with school logo
  • Plain navy shorts or skort (girls)
  • Navy and yellow rugby shirt with school logo (boys)
  • Navy PE training top with school logo (girls/optional for boys)
  • Plain navy tracksuit bottoms (optional)
  • Navy & yellow rugby socks
  • White sports socks (above the ankle)
  • Training shoes with non-marking soles
  • Football boots or moulded boots
  • Shin pads – compulsory
  • Gum shield (recommended)
  • Towel (recommended)

Optional extras:

In the winter months, upper body base layers can be worn underneath school rugby or polo shirts. These should be plain navy, black or white.



  • Navy polo shirt with school logo
  • Plain navy shorts or skort (girls)
  • White sports socks (above the ankle)
  • Training shoes with non-marking soles

Optional extras:

In the winter months, upper body base layers can be worn under the polo shirts. These should be plain navy, black or white.

Alternatively, the navy PE training top can be worn.



All PE Kit can be purchased from our official uniform stockists, Price & Buckland.


Further clarification

In all matters of kit and jewellery there may be occasions when, for ethnic, religious or other reasons, the school’s requirements may not be appropriate. In these cases, special arrangements can be made.

For health and safety reasons, hats, scarves or snoods cannot be worn for sporting activities. Thin gloves may be worn for some activities, at the teacher’s discretion. It is also important that tracksuit bottoms are plain, without zips, buttons or obvious drawstrings.

When representing the school, the teacher will identify the kit requirements and on some occasions school kit may be provided.

PE Kit Clarification



Page Downloads  
PE Curriculum Intent and Map Download
PE Curriculum Intent Download
Assessment STEPS Download