Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE)
Head of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics | Mrs N McGovern |
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics Teachers | Mr P Evans and Mr D Vine |
Curriculum Support | Mrs C Salter |
At CVHS we study Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE) from an unbiased standpoint, exploring learning themes and questions throughout KS3 and KS4. These are philosophical and ethical in nature and we look at these from the point of views of different religions as well as humanist atheists.
As part of their learning students are provided with opportunities to meet people of different faiths, visit local religious buildings, and take part in the celebration of festivals. These opportunities provide them with a rich learning experience and a sense of involvement in their local community.
Key Stage Three
Key Stage 3
At KS3 we currently follow the Essex Agreed Syllabus, looking at a range of religions and themes. Students learn about religion and learn from religion.
Year 7 - Learning theme; ‘I Matter, Does God?’
Unit 1 :Who is God?
Unit 2: The World; yours or Gods?
Unit 3: Where do people experience God?
Year 8 - Learning theme; ‘How easy is it to belong to a faith?’
Unit 1: Why does God allow evil?
Unit 2: Is every day the same, should one day be special?
Unit 3: Do animals matter?
Unit 4: Should all religious rituals and ceremonies be banned?
Unit 5: Islam: A religion for the 21st century?
Unit 6: How do theists express themselves?
Year 9 - Learning theme; ‘Is There Always an answer? Does religion provide one?’
Unit 1: How do we make ethical decisions?
Unit 2: What does it mean to be a Buddhist?
Unit 3: Ultimate Questions
Unit 4: Crime, Punishment and Justice
Key Stage Four
Key Stage 4
RPE is an incredibly popular option for students at GCSE with a consistently high uptake and outstanding grades.
At GCSE we study AQA Religious Studies Specification A. The course offers students an opportunity to be challenged with questions about belief, values, meaning, purpose and truth, enabling them to develop their own attitudes towards religious issues.
Students will also gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture. They will develop analytical and critical thinking skills, the ability to work with abstract ideas, leadership and research skills. All these skills will help prepare them for further study.
At our school we study the core beliefs and teachings of Christianity and Buddhism, and how these can be applied to the following themes:
- Religion and life
- Religion, human rights and social justice
- Religion, peace and conflict
- Religion, crime and punishment
A Level Philosophy
Key Stage 5- A Level Philosophy
We offer AQA Philosophy to be studied as an A-level in our sixth form. Philosophy qualifications are designed to give students a thorough grounding in the key concepts and methods of philosophy.
Students will have the opportunity to engage with big questions in a purely secular context.
In taking this course, students will develop important skills that they need for progression to higher education. They’ll learn to be clear and precise in their thinking and writing. They will engage with complex texts, analysing and evaluating the arguments of others and constructing and defending their own arguments.
The key areas studied include:
- Moral Philosophy
- Epistemology
- Metaphysics of God
- Metaphysics of Mind
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RPE curriculum intent and plans |