Head of History | Mrs K Cook |
History Teachers | Miss H Gilderson, Mrs C Hannan and Mr S Wehmeyer |
Curriculum Support | Mrs C Salter |
The History department prides itself on excellent exam results at both GCSE and A Level. We have a strong uptake from Key Stage three in to Key Stage four because students enjoy the varied teaching styles that are used throughout our schemes of work. All students are encouraged to attend trips to enhance their understanding of the subject. Currently these involve trips to Berlin, the First World War battlefields in Ypres, Belgium and Colchester Castle.
Key Stage Three
Key Stage 3
We cover short topics on a range of historical era’s looking at different enquiry questions which by the end of the unit the pupils have answered to help them understand how History has shaped the world we live in.
Key Stage Four
Key Stage Four:
Paper 1: Thematic Study (1HIO/10-12) - Crime and punishment in Britain, c1000–present
Section A: Historic environment, 10 % of total qualification –In depth study of Whitechapel (Jack the Ripper).
Section B: Thematic study, 20% of total qualification (SPAG included here). Normans to Present day including Witchcraft,
Trial by ordeal, Gunpowder plotters, prisons, and death penalty.
Possible trip to London for a Jack the Ripper Walking tour.
Paper 2: Period and British Depth Study (1HIO/20-29)
Section A: Period Study (20%) - British America, 1713–83: empire and revolution
Piracy (Blackbeard), Slave trade, Enlightenment, B.Franklin, King George War, French/Indian War, Native Americans, Boston tea party and American war of Independence.
Section B: British Depth Study (20%) - Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Religious divisions, Mary Queen of Scots & execution, Sir Francis Drake, Spanish Armada, poor laws and Sir Walter Raleigh.
Paper 3: Modern Depth Study (1HIO/30-33) - Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918–39, 30% of total qualification.
Legacy of WWI, Treaty of Versailles, Stresemann, Nazi party, Munich Putsch, Reichstag fire, SA, SS, Propaganda and persecution of minorities.
Section A: worth 10% and Section B: worth 20% (SPAG included here).
Possible trip to Berlin to support this aspect of the course.
Paper 1: 30% - 1 hour 15minuteswritten paper 52 marks.
Paper 2: 40% - 1 hour 45 minutes written paper 64 marks.
Paper 3: 30% - 1 hour 20 minutes written paper 52 marks
Key Stage Five
Key Stage Five
The options in Route D are linked by the theme of challenges to the authority of the state, which was manifested in different ways such as protests and the growth of nationalist sentiment. This period was one in which ordinary people, often with strong leadership, were instrumental in changing the nature of government in their respective countries. It was also a time of major political developments, when state authority in Britain, Italy and Germany was changed dramatically.
Studying two different countries allows students to develop a greater appreciation of the nature of power and authority in the given period, and to understand the similarities and contrasts between them (although students will not be required to answer comparative questions that link the breadth and the chosen depth option).
Paper 1, Option 1D: Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform:
1 The growth of parliamentary democracy, c1785–c1870
2 Industrialisation and protest, c1785–c1870
3 Unionism and cooperation, c1785–c1870
4 Poverty and pauperism, c1785–c1870
Paper 2, Option 2D.2: The unification of Germany, c1840–71.
1 Popular pressure and causes of revolution, 1840–48
2 Failure of revolution, 1848–51
3 Austro Prussian rivalry 1852–66
4 Prussia and the Kleindeutschland solution, 1866–71
Paper 3, Option 37.2: Germany, 1871–1990: united, divided and reunited
A Social change in Germany and West Germany
B Economic change in Germany and West Germany
1 Ruling the Second Reich, 1871–79
2 The birth of democratic Germany, 1917–19
3 A new Reich, 1933–35
4 Establishing and ruling the new Federal Republic, 1949–60
5 Reunification: recreating a united Germany, 1989–90
Coursework: Napoléon: Hero or Villain?
Paper 1:
2 hour 15minuteswritten paper. 30%
Paper 2:
1 hour 30 minutes written paper. 20%
Paper 3:
2 hour 15 minutes written paper. 30%
Coursework 2 x 2,000 word essays. 20%
Trips and Visits
We run a trip for our Year 11's to Krakow which gives students the opportunity to experience, first-hand, the history of the Holocaust during World War II. Students will visit key sites, including Auschwitz-Birkenau and Galicia – a Jewish Museum where they will also have the opportunity to meet with a concentration camp survivor. In addition, students will go on a walking tour of Kazimirez – a Jewish District - where they will experience the reality of life in a Jewish Ghetto. The cost of this trip c.700 pounds.
We run a trip to Ypres for our Year 9’s, having just learnt about the World War One, it will allow them to gain an appreciation of the conflict by visiting the battlefields, and cemeteries first-hand. Attending the laying of the wreath ceremony will be a very special occasion where students will come to realise the importance of remembering those turbulent years. Sites to visit will include Lijssenthoek cemetery, Passchendaele museum, Tyne Cot, Vancouver Corner, Langemark Cemetery, Essex farm, the town of Ypres, and Menin gate. The approximate cost of this trip is c.50 pounds.